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Saturday, 22 October 2011

Do You Eat Poison?

Do you smear super glue onto your fingers and touch things with them?
Do you close your eyes and go cross the street? Or hammer a nail?
Do you attach a knife to a boomerang and play it?
Do you? Do you? Do you?

If you know being friends with a snake or syaiton will sooner or later bring you misfortunes, why would you want to be friends?
Why would you want to stare into the BBQ fire when you're wearing contact lenses?*
Why would you want to walk across the kitchen barefoot when somebody just broke a plate?
Why do you want to do things bad to yourself? Like, if nothing good ever came out from a relationship you once had, or from decisions you made, why would you repeat it? Why would you be friends with somebody who broke you down? Repeating anecdotes of your self-pity does NOT make someone sympathize - it makes them cringe AWAY.

Why would you wait for answers? If it wasn't given, then it isn't meant to be given. Life is not what you hear, read or see - those stories are what happened to others, not you.

Hallo zusammen!

 1. 2022 ist mein achtes Jahr in als Lehrerin in Mersing. 2. Ich bin gerade mit meinem 2. Kind schwanger. 3. Mein erstes Kind ist 3 Jahre al...