Tick tock

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Friday, 22 January 2010

To you

Shahril Azri whom I just added on Fb - I read your info and I didn't have the heart to post this on your wall. I didn't know you personally, anyway.

You said:
Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.datz why i hates books

And what I meant to post:

hai. :) i dont agree with you. reading IS beneficial. your brain works actively by reading - digesting new information etc n its much much more better than just sitting around listening to 'sounds'. and it IS a matter of opinion - i like books, and you hate them, but as you can write about it, so can i too. :)
You should be proud I wrote this for you. :D

Wednesday, 20 January 2010


I was listening to the Posies, doing work at the table when suddenly I felt there was someone standing behind me.

I only had the table lamp on.

I don't want to look back.

I don't want to look at the window in front of me, because it's dark outside and I can see my own reflection, and of course what's behind me.

I changed songs. Quickly.

And when Eternal Flame came on, the atmosphere eased considerably.

I not stupid. Just paranoid.

Monday, 18 January 2010

When You Can't Get Rid of Them, Join Them

I have always thought of them as cheesy. And childish. I could not fathom why people wasted so much effort typing all the symbols into place. The only good thing is that they express feelings really well.

Anyway. These symbols are heavily used in Korea and China but for some reason they are called Japanese emoticons. The explanations for each emoticon are copied and pasted here directly. Enjoy (o^v^o)


( ^^)

(^^)(^^ )(^ )( )( )( ^)( ^^)(^^) turn by smiling

Being glad!

smiley oldman ^)_(^


a baby (';')
a yawn (~o~)
cold sweat

embarrassed, scratching one's head

with a handkerchief
( ;^^)

Oh no!

Why? (?_?)
ET (-)_(-)
yeah d=(^o^)=b


cry and sob

endure by crying

turn by crying
(;_;)( ;_)( ;)( )(; )(_; )(;_;)

smoke a cigarette (-.-)y- (-¡-)y-~~~~

no no, I don't want (shake his head)
(;_; )( ;_;)
(T.T )( T.T)



I can't stand any more to be awake…
(-_-) zzz...
(-.-) zzz
(-.-)(__)... zzZ
(+.+)(-.-)(_ _) ..zzZZ

being cheerful
sing a song (`O`)
I'm very glad! (..)(^^)(^¡^)(*^o^)

yes yes(nodding)
( ^.^)( -.-)( _ _)

What??? (@_@)
I'm proud (~^~)
silence... ('_')

Bow his thanks politely
m(_ _)m
<(_ _)>
( ^.^)( -.-)( _ _)

o(^-^o)(o^-^)o o(^-^o)(o^-^)o
q(^-^q)(p^-^)p q(^-^q)(p^-^)p q(^-^q)(p^-^)p

a small glad


leave sneakingly
...((((( ((;^^)

no good (dameda...)

It isn't good at all... _(++)/
a face with glasses (^0_0^)
yakuza(japanese mafia) (^_^X)
look down below ( ..)

no no

(>_< )( >_<)

good friends (nakayoshi) ( ^_^)(^_^ )

e(^ ^)g

glare at you (`_')
being frustrated ( --)//~
kiss! ( ^)(^-^)
I'm very pleased!
( ^3^)/

look around restlessly but curiously ('' )( '')
being startled(a surpris when someone ask you something that you don't want to be asked)

without emotions

feel dizzy (@o@)

turn your head
(^_^)( ^_)( ^)( )(^ )(_^ )

turn and feel dizzy
(^_^)( ^_)( ^)( )(^ )(_^ )(@_@)

thumbs up!
d(-_^) (^^)

I'm sad (/_;)
I'm beaten / you win/ hold a white flag (_ _,)/~~
hide oneself secretly (^_^;))))))
walk like a crab <(-_-)> )))

it's here

a fish
<+ ))))><<
<+ )))><<
<+ ))><<

sazaesan 8(*^^*)8

It's cold {{ (>_<) }}

punishment (note the whip?)
(°°; (--)/~~~
(-_-)/~~~~ o


the game of stone-paper-scissors

(^O^)g stone
(^O^)y scissors
(^O^)W paper

........ ( ..)

sleep together

help me~~
(T.T )
( T.T)

(* ^)(*^-^*)

I catch you!
I catch you by pinching

(=_=) stay up all night

where? I'm looking for
(((.. )( ..)))

examine well

o(.. )o

w(^o^)W oo —Watashi Nihongo Hanase mase--n, I don't speak Japanese(imitate a foreigner)

(((((((;^^) ran away secretly

what I mean...(explain)


(_ _)(-.-)(~O~)


(^-^)v v

scissors 8<

wow! W(`0`)

make comic faces

When someone says something that you disagrees with.

bingo! !(^^)!

wait! (^^)/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(((((;^^)

It's dizzily! (/_+)/

the glasses (@_@)

hello hello ---(telephon)
( ^_^)Û---------Û(^_^ )

make a promise by linking little fingers with each other (^_-)db(-_^)

tremble with joy
w(^o^)W wow

be threatened (-_-#)

fall (o_ _)o

mya- (a cat) (=^_^=)
a cat which has cold sweat (=^_^;=)
It isn't good at all...(=x_x=)
a cat which is crying (=T.T=)

a pig (^o_o^)
a pig opening his nose holes (^0_0^)

Ultraman (o|o)

Sunday, 17 January 2010

New Year

The past few years I had kept on repeating:

If I had cared about what people said, I would be stick thin by now.

But two weeks before New Year (aided by a bout of three-day freaking-funny-but-true brainwashing session from some not-so-soft-spoken friends) I realised that I SHOULD care. I noticed that after each stair-climbing session I am so out of breath, be it only a few steps. My fingers turned pudgy and Dudley-like. Tudung emphasizes my double chins. Jeans started to need a little bit more effort on buttoning up.
And the biggest horror of it all- I began to hate every piece of clothing I tried on in the fitting room. My stomach practically bulges out (GROSS!! It saves money, however, I didn't buy things which are one size bigger than my usual).

Zufriedenheit ist seitdem ums Leben gekommen.

I should pay more attention to what I eat, move a LOT more, and prevent myself from being a REAL polar bear!

So this year I resolved one thing - I am going to be the Biggest Loser. I was never so determined like this before - don't dampen my spirits with your "You already look good the way you are" like my Gastmutter did, okay? :D

Wish me luck with all the muesli and body-wrenching pilates.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Jangan lah kahwin. Nanti aku takde kawan.

If I, a nobody, a simple friend, a long-time-no-see schoolmate could feel that way, how exactly do a parent feel?

She's getting married and I feel half-empty. Seeing her engagements' pictures makes me wonder, will she still be the same after she belongs to somebody else? Will we be able to talk about the same things A.M.*? Or am I losing somebody I hold dear to a guy I am not sure deserves her?
Sinking deeper makes me more dejected, torn between congratulating a beloved girlfriend and self-pity for not being able to move on to any new phase of life, at least for a long, long time to come.

But life is never about me. Good luck, Muni. :) sayang gila. haih.

*After Marriage

Happy New Year 2010!

Look, I updated. :)

Been busy. And unmotivated. Plus juggling Facebook, upcoming exams and life all at the same time is no easy feat, so forgive my lame promises to update.

Some memorable quotes from the winter holidays (I know you shouldn't post private jokes people can't relate to in public, but anyway :)):

We were in the train back from Innsbruck when Pian tried his hardest to counter Ismatul's jokes about him. I couldn't quite remember how we managed to relate Pian to orang asli from his village (it was a joke, mind you), but we did it anyway, and continued on teasing him when he blurted out "Kau jangan berani datang Sungai Siput, nanti aku panggil geng-geng aku sume sumpit kau!"

Gosh I practically rolled in my seat from laughing so hard.

On New Year's Eve we played Taboo with Brader's family, and it was Bejak's turn to explain an adjective. He started with "I am ..."
And somebody ruthlessly said "FAT!"

Adoiyai. Anyways Bejak punye semangat deserves an applause. Thanks for his lemon+honey tip, too :)

And there was this farewell party for Mira, held in the common room in Nazmi's hostel. Chew - a Terengganu-born Chinese - joined us. Nazmi went to open the door for Erna when somebody said Nazmi had a lot of girlfriends, and Chew said: "Nanti saya kasikan dia!"

Coming from a Chinese I thought was silent and nerdy, the 'funny' level went straight out of the roof :)) and 'kasi' went on to be our word of the day.

Hallo zusammen!

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