You said:
Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.datz why i hates books
And what I meant to post:
hai. :) i dont agree with you. reading IS beneficial. your brain works actively by reading - digesting new information etc n its much much more better than just sitting around listening to 'sounds'. and it IS a matter of opinion - i like books, and you hate them, but as you can write about it, so can i too. :)You should be proud I wrote this for you. :D
true. i tend to remember world history better and LONGER when i read about them in books with storyline. ask me what i learn in history class back in school. sumpah tak hingat.
shahril should really be proud you made a special post about him! i've never gotten any. tsk tsk
and aku leh comment gakkkkk!hahahahahahahaha gumbira tul :D
mungkin si sharil ni maksudkan buku teks sejarah la... without storyline and plain history. maybe dia maksudkan reads too much and just memorizes. without thinking what/when/which/why/how. ni mmg lazy habits in study.
ejat, do you really mean all kind of books or certain books? because either way, it is always called 'books'. rite? :P
agree with both shahril and ejat for different kind of reading materials.
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